Shop and bank with confidence
AVG Firewall (enhanced for AVG 2011) and AVG Identity Protection:
- Provides additional layers of security, keeping your private information safe at all times.
Block spammers and scammers
AVG Anti-Spam:
- Marks all unwanted emails as spam, protecting you from online scams and keeping your inbox clutter free.
Download, share files and chat safely
AVG Online Shield:
-Download and share files without risk of infection. You are also protected when you exchange files through online chat.
Stay protected on social networks
AVG Social Networking Protection:
-Automatically checks links exchanged on Facebook and MySpace in real time so that you and your friends stay safe.
Support and assistance
- Our technical experts are available to help with any problems you might have.
Scan smarter and faster
AVG Smart Scanning works while you play:
- AVG 2011’s scans are 3 times faster than previous versions. AVG Smart Scanning works while you’re away and runs in low-priority mode when you return.
Keep tough threats out
AVG Protective Cloud Technology, AVG Community Protection Network and AVG Anti-Spyware:
-AVG’s core layers of protection make sure you can’t receive or unintentionally spread even the toughest threats.
Silahkan terjemahkan sendiri ya sob... :D Untuk mendownloadnya silahkan klik link dibawah ini,, silahkan juga download keynya mumpung masih seger biar menjadi AVG Internet Security 2011 Full version. S98VX8Q7NJW7
AVG Internet Security 32 bit | AVG Internet Security 64 bit | Key AVG Internet Security.
9 komentar:
Wah terbaru yach sob AVG ini.... boleh di coba nih sob.....
Thx infonya sob....
salam sahabat
wah udah ada rilisan baru yang ini yach makin siip kalo gitu perlindungan ngenetnya good luck
Waduh udah ada AVG 2011 Sob? baru tau ane hhe... ntar deh tunggu koneksi bener dlu abru ane sedot.. kayanya lebih banyak dukungan biar gak kena virus Internet nie hhe.... mantabz.... semangat N happy blogging Sob..
bagus mana AVG IS 2011 sama KIS 2011....
@Herois: kalo saya sekarang pake KIS 2011,, KIS 2011 ini ampuh serta ringan beda ma versi sebelumnya. Kalau AVG IS 2011 saya blm nyoba cz dah terlanjur pake KIS :D
ane ESS aja... :)
wah, saya juga pengen sedot sob, tapi koneksi internet lagi lemot, hehehe.. salam
maksih admin.....nanti aku download,jangan bosan ya kalo aku terus mampir ke sini...by m.daya
makasih.... dah download and berjalan lancar
thank banyak-banyak gan
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