The Hepatitis A vaccine given in the U.S. is an inactivated form of the hepatitis A virus. So, you are actually being injected with a dormant version of the virus, it should be noted that is NOT possible to get the disease from the vaccine. It is administered in two doses, six months apart. After receiving both doses, most people will have lifetime protection from hepatitis A. There are some cases in which the vaccine is not effective but this is very rare. It should also be noted that the hepatitis A vaccine does not protect against hepatitis B or hepatitis C.
For the Hepatitis B virus, again, an inactivated form of the hepatitis B virus. It is not possible to get the disease from the vaccine. After a person gets all three doses of the hepatitis B vaccine, most have lifetime protection from hepatitis B. There are some cases in which the vaccine is not effective but this is very rare. As well as the Hep A vaccine, the Hep B vaccine does not shield you from Hep A or C. It should also be noted that you can be tested to see if you have previously been infected and built up immunity to hepatitis B. Also, it is not harmful to get the vaccine if you have already been infected with hepatitis B.
Unfortunately, there is no vaccination or cure for the Hepatitis C virus. It is one of the diseases that is permanent, and can do serious damage to your internal organs if it is not diagnosed properly. There is some medication that can be prescribed and people can go on to lead a normal lifestyle, but they will always carry this disease.
If you think you might be at risk of contracting one of the stands of the Hepatitis virus, or if you just want to take precautions to not get infected, then contact a medical professional about getting the vaccinations. They are quite easy to get, and you should be protected from Hepatitis A and B for the rest of your life.
Hepatitis Safety- little information is widespread amongst the public about the Hepatitis viruses. Learn more about them, and how you can protect yourself.
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